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Our Firm Foundation

We believe that the BIBLE is the WORD of GOD and completely TRUE without any fault. We agree completely with Biblical Principles, Biblical Marriage, and Biblical Prophesy in its entirety.

Our Vision

Our Vision is simply to be utilized by God to effectively advance the Kingdom of Heaven through sharing the Gospel with whomever, wherever, and whenever.


The Holy Bible is the Word of God, written by people, but fully inspired by God through his Holy Spirit. The Bible is FOREVER relevant to our current lives. It is ALIVE and is completely TRUE without ANY fault. Church of Salvaged Lives AGREES with the WORD of GOD.

The Trinity

God is ETERNAL and EXISTS as ONE TRUE GOD in three persons. GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON, and God the HOLY SPIRIT. Every part of the Trinity has a different function, but all three posses the same POWER and AUTHORITY of the ONE TRUE GOD. God is GOOD and there is no good apart from God! ALL people are created in the image of God.


-THE SON: Completely God and Completely Man at the same time. Christ JESUS our LORD and SAVIOR. Jesus is our ONLY HOPE and way to a right relationship with God. Jesus was born by immaculate conception to the virgin Mary. Jesus lived a completely innocent/free of sin (PERFECT) life, yet died a criminal's crucifixion death on a cross to be the substitute payment for all of our sin. Jesus was then raised to LIFE three days after death. JESUS ASSCENDED TO HEAVEN AND IS AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER INTERCEDING FOR US ALL. 

-HOLY SPIRIT: The Holy Spirit comforts us, convicts us, and is the helper given to all believers, to guide us into all truth. The evidence of the Holy Spirit is the fruit of the Spirit, speaking in unknown tongues, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, etc. 

The Church

The Church is the Body of CHRIST! A living and breathing organism. The community of believers saved by Grace alone. By repenting of their sin, believing in their HEART, and openly declaring that JESUS is their personal Lord that died for them to give them the free gift of a NEW LIFE in Christ Jesus. 

Fall of Man

All people are created in the perfect image of God, however, through sinful disobedience man became separated from God. As a result, all people are born into sin and can only attain a right standing with God through Salvation in Christ Jesus.

Biblical Leadership

Ministry Leaders are expected to live by Biblical Principles and exemplify Godly character, both publicly and privately. Leaders are held to a much higher standard by God, so must be held to a greater accountability to other Believers. Members are accountable as to how they represent themselves before the World as children of God.

-We LOVE GOD as the One and ONLY Lord of Our Lives 

-We Love People and Selflessly Seek the Good of Others

-We Have Faith (the unseen belief of what the Word says is TRUE) in God

-We Carry Ourselves as People of Integrity

-We Lead a Lifestyle of Worship that Gives Glory to God  

-We are Generous

-We are Teachable and able to be Corrected to produce Growth in Christ 

-We do not fear man, but possess an AWE FILLED, HOLY and REVERENT FEAR of GOD! 


Repentance is asking for forgiveness, through Christ Jesus, for the remission of sin and a commitment to turn away from sin to follow Christ. 

The blood that Jesus shed on the cross is the ONLY way of salvation. It is a free gift for us to choose to accept. No one can work their way to deserving this gift; it is received by the GRACE of God alone. We must repent, turn from our sin, and place our faith in Jesus Christ, as his death is the complete payment for our iniquity. JESUS is the ONLY way to ETERNAL LIFE in HEAVEN.


We can communicate with God directly through our salvation in Jesus. It is our direct line to God himself and, we believe, he hears from Heaven. We should pray in the Spirit always.

Communion & Baptism

Communion is to be taken often, by believers, in remembrance of the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us all. The bread is taken to represent his body broken, and the juice is to represent his innocent blood that was shed to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Baptism is a command of God to profess our personal salvation publicly. We baptize in full immersion of water to symbolically represent the death (going under the water) and rebirth (coming out of water reborn) of our new life in Christ.


We will all live forever as eternal beings: either connected to God in Heaven or separated by sin in Hell.


Jesus Christ is coming to Earth again, for a second time, to establish his FULL authority on the Earth. We believe that not one person, not even the angels, knows the day or the hour of his return. We, as believers, need to live expectantly READY for Christ's return at any moment.

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